Where the world of colours bring Miniatures to life!

For every brush stroke,

it’s a stroke of passion and soul...​

A Song of Ice and Fire Lannister Mountain’s Men

Gregor’s men-at-arms… Mountain’s men! After my Lannister cavalry, Knights of the Casterly Rock, I moved on the Lannister Mountain’s men. Was looking forward to painting the Mountain’s men, as there were lots of armour and shine to paint. I decided to go with the colour scheme same as the box and card artwork for the Songs of Ice and Fire game. So, it will be armour shine and brown yellowish tones of cloth and padding. I did not want to go for the bright yellow for the cloth and padding, as I felt that fantasy medieval colours always has a sort dull tones to it. Just like my Lannister guardmen and knights, they all have a tone down sort of dull red. The Mountain men banner man, I see most people painting it yellow, but for me, I decided to go for the brownish yellow dull tone as said.

Once all the Lannister Mountain’s men were painted and assembled on the tray, the amount of shine and armour really excites me for a battle mode. But, the Mountain men always never fail to fail the morale check in my games, ha ha. Like they say, painted miniatures bring power, hopefully in the games to come, my Mountain’s men serve me well! Charge!

Lannister Mountain's Men

Lannister Mountain's Men

Lannister Mountain's Men

Lannister Mountain's Men

Lannister Mountain's Men

Lannister Mountain's Men

Lannister Mountain's Men

40k Orks BossWelcome to The Painting Shop
Just a typical guy who has made painting miniatures part of his daily routine life. As long as I have time in my hands, I will paint. Even with few minutes to spare at times, I will still pick up my brushes and paint a little. Nothing beats the satisfaction when you have your miniatures all done and and ready for battle!

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