Where the world of colours bring Miniatures to life!

For every brush stroke,

it’s a stroke of passion and soul...​

Empire Battle Wizard as Vampire Count Necromancer

So much for the wolves fever, back to more miniatures. Feels like in a magical mood, thought I need a Necromancer. Thinking of whether should I get one Necromancer from the Vampire Count range. Looking at the shelves of  miniatures I have in The Painting Shop, think I could use the Empire Battle Wizards box set and assembled one of the Wizard to represent the Necromancer.

Assemble it up, added a rock slab of skeleton from the Citadel Basing Kit. Now, let me think about the colour and style for my Necromancer…. stay tuned…

40k Orks BossWelcome to The Painting Shop
Just a typical guy who has made painting miniatures part of his daily routine life. As long as I have time in my hands, I will paint. Even with few minutes to spare at times, I will still pick up my brushes and paint a little. Nothing beats the satisfaction when you have your miniatures all done and and ready for battle!

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